This course is my baby, birthed and delivered to over 135 men and women in the last 1.5 years.  I created this course from the absolute depths of my soul, and the result is a program that is designed for EVERYONE!  We laugh our butts off, cry, and get educated as we RAISE THE VIBES! 

In 2020, I was woken up in a very aggressive way during a divorce, a loss of job, someone hanging on to my Soul, and a WHOLE bunch more crazy things that feel and seem unbelievable.

I was woken up to the POWER of energy, the truth about trauma and how most people are living these half-fulfilling lives with absolutely no idea where to start!

It’s like something you can’t seem to speak outloud (because you think it is just you), but you know there is something….off

Maybe you can relate?  

  ⦿ A feeling of something being missing?

  ⦿ Heartbreak that you never seem to heal from?

  ⦿ An overwhelming desire to run away?

  ⦿ Money leaks in your family and business?

  ⦿ You have a dream but no idea where to start?

  ⦿ Gaining weight and not sure why you can’t seem to lose it? (so much weight is emotional, check out the photos of clients below!)

  ⦿ Your soul saying quietly (for now) that there is MORE to life?

  ⦿ Making choices to scroll on social media instead of doing things that feed your soul?

  ⦿ Choosing to waste your days away or drown yourself in work and NO PLAY?

This was ME!  I couldn’t find joy in the day-to-day.  I could not seem to get out of my head, I was so riddled in anxiety and just feeling like my light was LOST or stolen from me!

I was always chasing, chasing, chasing!  The next best thang, the money, anything to avoid my OWN emotions.

People-pleasing and keeping my truths in like the best of them.

Talking smack about people in my life to anyone who would listen!

YUP!  I own it all.  Because ANYTHING else is falsity and avoidance of self.  You know as well as anyone else, you can not change other people.

And why it is my MISSION to make everyone the perfect combo of 2 things:


⦿ TRUTH (no matter what this looks like, we are all different!)

It takes a BIG person to come to the plate and do this work and say, “Enough is ENOUGH!  I am ready for a change!  I want and desire to live a life of LOVE, fun, and excitement!”

Over and over again, I have seen that the first place to start is here.  With your OWN Self-Worth.  Your own ability to love YOU.

And sorry NOT sorry, cognitive discussion and archaic outdated therapy are just not enough.  You will spend YEARS in this stagnant energy because what you talk about becomes your reality.

Most people come to me after they have tried everything and they are sick of the same old no-results and endless loops of fighting, ignoring, or sadness/misery.

And it is why Emotional & Energetic Intelligence embedded into this AMAZING program makes this 10-weeks of THE most life-changing thing you will ever do.

Check out just some of the amazing reviews we have below!  Client after client getting results in 3 Areas;

This is JUST the beginning. I was put on the Earth to raise the vibes and I am so so blessed and I will take this SERIOUSLY while laughing and having fun!

Self-Worth Warriors is the flagship program for The Aasha T. Healing Method, and we are sharing it with you at this AMAZING discounted price of $3,333 instead of $5k.

We launch in January to start the year off with the most amazing energy for you and your Loved Ones!

This course is so much fun we have even had people do it more than once!!

We can not WAIT to get started. It is alllll about bringing the joy & fun to this work because moving together as Mermaids makes everything easier, lol!

We will see you inside! If you have any questions, feel free to reach the team at connect@aashatinternational.com

““Self-worth warriors, 8-week program, was amazing. I had so many profound shifts. It enabled me to see patterns that I had from my childhood and past generations that were showing up in my life and being repeated. I felt a shift in myself with confidence, stepping into my light, accepting my shadows, and loving myself more deeply. I was also able to build my compassion and understanding for those around me that once triggered me and come more from a place of love. It has also enabled me to start being less affected by the world around me…coming from a place of peace and neutrality. Thank you so much Aasha and StaceyAnn for your real, and authentic coaching and allowing me to grow further into the true essence of myself without fear or guilt.””

Sandra Santoro

“I learned so much about energy vibrations and emotional intelligence. I am super excited to continue learning! This has been life changing!”

Nancy Murphy

This ten week course is the

Special Ends In...

“Thank you! I’m feeling so amazing. I appreciate the things you are doing, it’s life changing.”
Rebecca C.
Aasha T.