The Empath is The Narcissist

An Empathy & Compassion Book for Men & Women to stop 

Trauma Bonding, Weaponry against Humanity, and Create Connection

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I’ve just about finished with my first book, which will be released in just a few weeks from now!

This book is going to change your life, it is filled with healing power and energetics for you to release any stories you may be holding on to so you can FORGIVE & LIVE (and thrive in life as you move up higher and higher!).  

I cannot wait to share this book with you!

My work is focused on the science behind emotional intelligence, energetics, trauma & somatics, and higher consciousness for detachment.

The result of releasing these stories you may be holding?  

More Self-Love & Deeper Connections to the RIGHT people and purpose.  

My book is all about how to Raise your Frequency to Manifest all your desires by hearing my story about push/pull energy to bring you to ONE place… BALANCE. 

Would you like a copy?

Register here to be on the list to get notified when it’s available to order.

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Emotional Intelligence Creates Unicorns

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Join our Community on FB. Whether you are on the journey to self-worth or with a team in a business, we are here to help.